Saturday, September 20, 2014

Breakfast At Mr Shawnio's

Burnt sausage, powedered eggs lovingly smothered in the fanciest black and white labeled ketchup and toasted breakfast muffins.

Note the subtle show of high class by the sockless feet perched on the desk.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Classic VL: Mr Shawnio Suffers From A Father Complex (Jul 08, 2014)

The subject is so distrustful of any type of authority figure to the point that the subject becomes highly agitated at the mere presence of VL techs in his room.  Most individuals who show such an extreme distrust of authority suffer from a lack of an adequate father image during their childhood.  Either the father failed at portraying a strong masculine fatherly image for the subject or the father was absent for most, if not all of the subject's journey from child to adult.  Those that suffer from such an extreme father complex, or anti-authoritarianism, if you will, are usually classified as being mentally ill.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Epic VaughnLive Battles Of History! Mr Foxman Vs Mr Realman: "You Came To Me Bitch!"